Zonampanel is a neuroprotective AMPA receptor antagonist that is currently under examination as a potential treatment for cerebral ischemia/stroke. In animal models of stroke, zonampanel improves neurological deficits but does not exacerbate intracerebral hemorrhage.
Ferro JM, Dávalos A. Other neuroprotective therapies on trial in acute stroke. Cerebrovasc Dis. 2006;21 Suppl 2:127-30. PMID: 16651823.
Terai K, Suzuki M, Sasamata M, et al. Effect of AMPA receptor antagonist YM872 on cerebral hematoma size and neurological recovery in the intracerebral hemorrhage rat model. Eur J Pharmacol. 2003 Apr 25;467(1-3):95-101. PMID: 12706461.